Maize Cultivation
CBF COOP is into production of maize from SOWEDA. The variety cultivated is the CMS8704 supplied by SOWEDA, MINADER, IRAD etc. This specie is preferred arround this locality because of it's adaptability and high yield.
Plantain Propagation
CBF-COOP equally carry out production and commercialization of plantains planlets to companies like SOWEDA, MINADER, IRAD etc.The varities choosen are the french Giant, Bata, Big Ebanga etc. These planlets are supplied to the above companies at a subsidized rate.
Land Preparation
Trainees from HFIB Buea on internship at the cooperative carrying out land preparation at the cooperative farms in preparation of the maize planting season.
Parent stock of clarias gariprinus at the cooperative farm of CBF-COOP. This fishes are kept in cemented ponds measuring 3mx2m for each pond, the fish farm is being surrounded with black nylons since it is a nauktunal animal.